Train Stations in Australia

Explore popular train stations in the main cities of Autralia and plan your trip of a lifetime!

Australia Railway Stations

If you're looking for a way to explore Australia's vast country, the rail system is your best option. Australian rail network is well-developed and passenger-friendly. Exactly train stations in all cities are ​spacious, accessible even to those who do not know the language and the country, and aslo quite beautiful. ​The list of famous train stations in Australia is as diverse and varied as the country itself. From historic train stations complete with age-old architecture, such as modern super-structures and stations in the most amazing of places.

Railway Stations in Australia

Sydney Central Railway Station

Address: ​Railway Colonnade Dr, Haymarket NSW 2000

Canberra Kingston Station

Address: ​Wentworth Avenue, Burke Cres, Kingston 2604

Southern Cross Station

Address: ​Spencer St, Docklands VIC 3008

Broadmeadow Station

Address: ​Broadmeadow NSW 2292

Brisbane Central Railway Station

Address: ​Brisbane City QLD 4000

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